Italian language

How to pronounce elm in Italian?

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Synonyms elmwood
Type of wood
Type Words
Synonyms elm tree
Type of tree
Has types cedar elm, chinese elm, dutch elm, dwarf elm, wych elm, water elm, wheately elm, white elm, wing elm, winged elm, witch elm, american elm, english elm, european elm, european field elm, guernsey elm, huntingdon elm, jersey elm, red elm, rock elm, september elm, siberian elm, slippery elm, smooth-leaved elm, ulmus alata, ulmus americana, ulmus campestris sarniensis, ulmus campestris wheatleyi, ulmus carpinifolia, ulmus crassifolia, ulmus glabra, ulmus hollandica, ulmus hollandica vegetata, ulmus laevis, ulmus parvifolia, ulmus procera, ulmus pumila, ulmus rubra, ulmus sarniensis, ulmus serotina, ulmus thomasii