Italian language

How to pronounce eject in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms boot out, chuck out, exclude, turf out, turn out
Type of throw out, kick out, expel
Has types evict, exorcise, exorcize, bounce, force out, show the door
Derivation ejection, ejector
Type Words
Synonyms discharge, exhaust, expel, release
Has types breathe, cough out, cough up, egest, ejaculate, eliminate, emit, eruct, pass, bleed, blow, excrete, expectorate, fester, hemorrhage, maturate, ovulate, abort, pass off, shed blood, spew, spew out, spit out, spit up, suppurate
Derivation ejection
Type Words
Synonyms force out, squeeze out, squirt
Type of discharge
Has types spritz, extravasate
Derivation ejection
Type Words
Type of get out, leave, exit, go out
Derivation ejection