civilizations that came out of our civilization and
one i cited because he won also the
pulitzer prize has also won other
prizes and that weapons steel and diseases
which is a book that are you have read it I
recommend you ca ldamente because a
very important book
even before he wrote the third
expanded that we would surely
be a third 50 m
we appreciate all and on the evolution on the
transition from primates to man sapiens and
let's say we take advantage of this
presentation of the beautiful Jordanian book
to talk about the book first of all but
also then it was suggested to me at the end
there a short presentation of the intervention
that the same yellow from year ago on the
book on immigration to ask
some questions take advantage of the
presence of this from iannone such some
questions relating to the great work
he is doing he did it let's
remember that he is
currently teaching at luiss that last year he
did a cycle of lessons that have
become a booklet a booklet a
book given only to the whole world an
ornithologist observes the human societies
being looked at by an ornithologist can
create some problems but it is still
very interesting as a point of view
alfonso gio rdano also teaches at
luiss and the associate professor of
political economic geography
at the niccolò cusano university in rome and
is a professor of political geography at
now we talk about
population movements there is written
population movements a small introduction and
the title very apt
of the initiative the false myths
about immigration then we will get there the
false myths about emigration we
tell ourselves a lot of fairy tales of stories
of even wrong common meanwhile I
start by saying that this book is not at all
a small introduction
as it is written on the cover it is
perhaps for the number of pages 130
so a reading pages that can be
done we
also joked with professor
giareda ionon about the fact that books today are
also read from he told me and when they
are very heavy you do not know who is
worse this is good you read
very well and does not induce sleep but
helps to understand more it is not
the small one for the content the cont it
is important given the times we are
living in
given the drama of the
migratory phenomenon given the controversy and the many
problems it brings
with it given the importance and attention that the
European and Italian media give to the
phenomenon of population movements
this Jordanian text ends to
translate it into a great contribution
to culture that every citizen should
make and deepen it makes us better understand
the reality we are experiencing
I consider it so important that I
would put it in the hands of all the
teachers of the middle and high schools of the
university in the north perhaps
even more but also in the south of
our country to make it the subject
of more elections, let's say the truth that
school is needed if it does not help the
training of young people
and how do young people become
conscious conscious citizens
responsible if they cannot stand up if they do not
study if they do not endow themselves with the
cultural means that can guide them in getting to
know the great Frs troubles of the world
well the reading of
population movements should be the
starting point of any serious and
documented reflection on the migratory phenomenon
1 read the newspapers listen to some
speeches on television in talk shows a
few quarrels a few screams too many
and at the most you do the 'opinion that he can
transfer to a bar
but the profound awareness of the
phenomenon risks escaping him if you do not
read and if a study read the newspapers
in short, it is not enough,
let alone if tweets or facebook are enough,
the chronicles of our time offer us
complex scenarios in reality articulated
truths contradictory and then
the intelligence the seriousness the commitment with
which in this introduction to the great
theme of population movements
alfonso giordano guides us helps us to
understand the many different reasons why
a person leaves his land often
leaves his loved ones his family to
try to rebuild a life elsewhere I
remembered the title and false myths
about immigration Well how many of us
think perhaps not here but in short
we hear many times repeating
immigrants steal crime more than
the phenomenon of delinquency and
violence is not the prerogative of some
peoples but there is no doubt that misery
feeling rejected excluded from the society
in which you live does not help to become
good citizens
then there are data that I would like to take
directly from the book we say in
Italy there are too many immigrants even
compared to other countries in other
countries they do not do their job well the
data Italy has 9.5 per cent of
immigrants which proportionally is less
populated by foreigners than
spain which has 13.8 per cent compared
to great britain 12.4 per cent
11.9 france
11.6 when they tell me too many dinners
you say it may be but surely there is
more in other European countries
then we all think they arrive by boat
we know that tragedies happen in boats
in the Mediterranean there
are distressing deaths but one then
looks at the data and discovers that 70
percent immigrants arriving in Italy
arrive by
air, 15 percent via r and the other 15
percent bihar and the arrivals of the boats
of hope have certainly
contributed to changing the perception
of geopolitics writes Giordano in
front of the Italian border and even if
more people move on land there
is no doubt that landings
by sea have ended up attracting
more attention but there is not only
this geographical origin
we all think 90 you weren't coming
from sub-saharan
africa well the data tell us that in europe from europe to italy arrive 52.8 per cent of immigrants from europe who come from africa from africa 20.9 come from africa
percent from asia 18 thousand 3
from america
s 2.9
the level of education we have all
read the intelligent go to germany
well the educated perhaps not only the
intell igenti because you can be
intelligent even without being educated but
the data that are also useful here to
understand the phenomenon tell us that the
average level of education is very good
and it is not true that they are all
and very often they are even more prepared
I don't mean Italians on average but
in short we are there are data that make us
in short then they say they cost
then I found there is also in the book but
I also found one not to be
do not think that only
Giordano's book who tells us it is not only dad
francesco who told us that it is not so
I found a recent article by stella
who does the math from this livio article
it is clear that we earn slips
like Italy 3.9 billion a year thanks
to immigrants because it certainly costs us
that they cost us but if we make the
difference between how much they cost us and
how much they see us in terms of
pension contributions and in the end, Italy
earns us 3,000 9 billion
more companies I don't know how many hundreds of new
businesses have been born thanks to immigrants
then if we put together this
beautiful newspaper lesson with that of
jared diamond, we have the
tools to realize how we
belong to a humanity that has been
forming in the evolution from
chimpanzee to homo sapiens
but in the last 5 10 thousand years
he thought
the cultural contamination of
the encounter with those who are different from us by
sex by skin color by
religion and how many more I am a certain weighed enormously in our becoming
unfortunately I can't delete them and
therefore he was a child when walking
the streets he saw a
black man the black man was a thing now let's say
among part of the normal vision that
we have walking on the streets to
see people who also have
different skin colors
the last consideration I want to make
before giving the floor to jared diamond
that the migratory wave changes us on
this non c 'it is really
true that our old identity
as Italians changes and this is what we are
afraid of
and because I never remember what I said
that as a child I saw the black man and it
seemed surprising to me I am
curious today it is normal that mine is also enlarged
less simplistic thinking has expanded to an
understanding of the world in which we live and
in which I live as never then there are so many
data on Italy of are elements that
make it clear as if Europe does not do
something well here we have from the point of
political view of the serious things to do
and to say to insist because it is a
European and world problem,
in short, in Europe we should have a
non-nationalistic vision
overall mark of the continent but there are
all the data on Italians I
believe that the Italians who went
to there are about fifty
million abroad and in recent years, starting from
now, the figure is correct I now
do not want to mention the memory of the
wrong data but we talk of 15 20 million
that around the middle of the twentieth century and after the
then I would like to ask and give why to
give up because I give the floor to diamond to
whom I will then ask the more general questions
related to his books in his
cultural literary work but I would like to give him
to begin a asset why we
Italians who have in our DNA the history
of great migrations but of great
migrations millions of Italians have
gone abroad why today
we seem to be afraid of you the word
professor for me a great pleasure
you can listen to it for me it is a great
pleasure you will stay in italy and listen
closely to your language i
would stay here for a month staying in the
delicate house in the middle of the journey of our
life i found myself in the center launched a
double pleasure staying here with alfonso
giordano we met last year
when i was staying at
the luiss university and the nevus a speech
between on the italian geographic society
ap where I met fake giordano and
then when or i wanted to go back to luiss university
the variation of the crisis
proposed me that you teach him a course
together with the Jordanian colors for me it was
great that
i learned a lot from working with
him for months the plaster
we meet twice a week
with the students had lewis and then
we have lunch together we talk everything
so for me it is a great pleasure a great
hand or guilty of particular
I would be here to introduce your short and
professor book on a topic that
is very interesting that is decoration the
population movements here is how a
theme as you know current in Italy
now but you all know more creations
in Italy than I am and therefore better
that I am afraid of you do not cut them but
I am afraid of inflation in the
United States one armed on here I have experience
we Americans are all immigrants
without a single exception the Indians the
Red Indians have been in the United States
13,000 years ago now they capture perhaps
one percent of the population.
American ion Europeans and others
began was arriving
from 1608 more there were various
waves at the beginning almost all came
from great britain were Protestant
more African slaves from have
almost 1400 30 more
Germans and first Catholics began to arrive
Irish Catholics from 1848 arrive
the Chinese after he discovered gold in
california from 1850 more
Italians arrived and many from
eastern europe
my hometown boston
the population is made up almost
equally of Italians and Irish
maturing in the united states has
reached on how reality there is in 1900
until 1910 the decade in which
my father arrived in that decade
immigrants arrived in ii 2 sa almost the average
one million every year after world war ii
immigrants came to us
from all over the world it
seems that immigrant groups come
from the united states already well educated and
other groups have moved they went
poor and with little education but little by
little they climbed here are examples
of staff cuts
my father as mentioned arrives at the age of
from moldova there were then in that
decade pogroms in eastern europe and
therefore many have escaped from the
modalities l 'ukraine my father was
brought by his parents
other to ukrainians between russia and from
piero a strong arco auchan end there was
a shooting
my father's aunt was killed at the
border but they cause my father himself
does not understand the parents for my father who
were never out and the whole
russian took it up to prema a fan
and came by ship to new york i
must say the parents my father did not do
well their commercial
in the united states my grandfather o partena
she had a laundries other picnics
goods but with little success you did not know
the education system mercan my
father had to learn from six how to go
on but my father my father had
gone out arlas in uni versita warfare where
di brute professor lee hunter china
my mother is the least rai of nine
parents and three brothers and sisters
arrived they were born from outside
eastern europe and in the meantime they arrived
90 of the fifteenth century my mother
was the youngest the father of mine mothers
never looked at money because the
meyer is a jewish schoolboy and instead does not
burden the internal older brothers my
nature when they were already boys they
started to work earned
money the elders earned
money for the minors below my mother the
minors between where he attended
the universe a university center had
become a professional pianist and then a
teacher in schools
my wife is Polish ign yolks of
memory after having survived
the concentration camps they arrived
neither from war without experience the new
era without knowledge of
English but a father for my wife
managed to do with pony trade in
trade the beginning has become
quite old I know my wife and then she
attended the university of california or
very close friends
in los angeles there are maybe half
million million florins in los angeles
because the calatini especially
in the united states because of the iso of the
filipinos were governed by the
states united for 60 years in many
hinges english horn well but with the mir
realism of the philippines it is not so
good so many florentines of the
educated come to the united states to
improve their living standards and
our dearest friend felipinho was a
teacher in the statin islands and where she
earned 200 170 euros a month but had
three children what to do she decided to
emigrate leaving her children in the
united states where you could earn 15
times more than in the Philippine islands and
little by little she brought
her children and parents to the united states and the sisters and the
brother she accepts tracing the via
nearly a million immigrants via
quakes arrived in the us in the
decade 7 0 80 or i had as many as
my students at a
california university and there are so many moving stories i
remember my first
student via tremors
she emigrated from vietnam at
age 13 with her i was over six
parents brought six children
there was a crowd at the ship that when the
ship left
the parents shorted that a child
had been on a shuttle there on earth
nothing to
do parents the five arrived in the
united states with no knowledge
of english
my future student is an offense in
a school that resorted to American without being
able to speak English
after four years at eva the minor grades
in the school and the inca president the
class was accepted nor university
of california then she was accepted
in the commodity school and supported the
younger brothers and the sister the minors
also here is the story of typical
immigrants in the usa our emigrants
are similar to immigrants learned
all over the world
everywhere in the world ndo there is resistance and
there is there are prejudices one feels in
Italy as in the United States there are
immigrants loves the CISL and
menal lazy non-expert drivers do not pay
taxes weekend taxes
those born in the united states also
that there are sick criminals and 100 gr
a studies lived that our neither
treated pay much more in taxes than they
receive it happens with us there has been there is
istat prejudices against the Irish
and then against the Italians and then against
immersed dog and then against the Chinese
against the Japanese against luca toti and
against the Muslims
now both world
natural empty nations in the united states in a
group of dogs they make a great
propaganda against immigrants there are
candidates in groups of dogs who
assert who want to read a
wall on border with mexico and also
cisco assert that they want region
a wall on border against canada and
this is really something to laugh about because
there are more and m American improved in
card that Canadian immigrants in the
two know why the wall looks like an
East German wall in which they know they were
printed by the decorations obviously
because we are all immigrants without exception
but also the whys of immigrants
are those who for one reason or another
reason they choose to emigrate
while they have returned to compatriots
who choose to stay in the country on
therefore immigrants are not identical to
those who remain emigrants and for
us immigrants must necessarily and to
sora on average younger, smarter,
more capable of work more adventurous
more willing to accept the boos and one
result among many and that
the vast majority of the nobel prizes
earned by scientists imer dogs
were earned either by immigrants networks or
by children of emigrants in the two rooms
because those who
microns are more willing to ask questions
and the results they earn nobel prizes
which will be the future of the people tion
of the united states
i can predict the cocer set with
certainty that decoration in the future for
us will be if not in the past
with an exception koran from different places of
origin but i am sure that the programs
as in the past sovereign credit
as i have passed serrano flight be
human as in the past and so among them they
will be sick and criminals as
well as among those born in the war
certainly tight and adventurous many at the
lessons will take
jobs that the american ones born in the
usa do not want to accept but little
as in the past climbing gods of
vitrano with my father professor
paolo o pianists like my mother or
very successful businessman with my father
my wife climbing is certainly a
new future fortune do not award the number
thanks for the opportunity to come here
in Italy to come here in the house of
your bliss riser and to
share this evening
with which the West
and it seems that thanks also to the the examples that the
calendar did not give us is as if I
had told us many stories that
maybe a journalist writes in a more
abstract way but here instead in a concrete way
we have touched a direct experience
of a citizen who lives
and this phenomenon in the more
interesting intelligent right way with
which you have to face something that
otherwise risks escaping us
procure reasons for prejudice for
us too there are things that are wrong
there is no doubt in fact and this
awareness that must help us
anyway now I would like to
take advantage in the fact that we have here
jared diamond
I do not know if you have read any of
his books I mention them because in my opinion they
are absolutely to be mentioned the third
chimpanzee that in 1994 steel weapons
sick and that in 1997
because sex is fun I do not
remember that they have the collapse
perhaps it was the current collapse that is from
2005 the world until yesterday that from 2012
the evolution of the animal man ch and of
2014 that the last one that is the third
chimpanzee explained to the boys I have
also read the third chimpanzee not only
that of the boys
and let's say that the very last one that made
is from you alone to the whole world it seems to me
that it is working if you want then tell
us what all those I mentioned are
of the little great masterpieces
then I ask him but there is
one you are most fond of and if so which one
is why or do you like all
those already registered there is none it is one
for which you are most proud
quick questions then answers difficult question i
think my first clear book
always a bit written with a
more style more like new york style
but because the dp after there was so much to
i had to force myself to learn a lot and
there is no effort to write put
everything together but among the books the one
that was most successful in gen
in general and weapons steel of disease
in many countries but in germany
not in germany armin schild and mala you and
don't like it because arms steel talks about
the reasons why some peoples
don't come all other peoples and this
is not a very pleasant topic
in germany but in turkey turkey is
very enthusiastic about cornia time out
because now rent disease explains
why civilization has arisen autarky I
am proud of the voices now that I find
the book in the books because it pleases
sex among the most successful and I am
proud that it has found less on the
success of all the others
if therefore jared diamond
if you have read even only in his book
you know that he is above all a great
interviewer of himself
in what sense in the sense that his books
are above all answers to the
questions that he himself asks about
nature about life in general about sex
about love about religion about man
well yes they are questions that jared diamond
poultry has not done and that he would
think of doing it and there are above all
questions that it is difficult to
answer even at through the books and if
so what
there were there were questions that
I changed that perhaps it is better not to
sculptures for example in the last book
a world until yesterday in which I
discussed differences between societies
speaks to us societies as dr
I had at the beginning the intention to
include a chapter is a topic of the
place of women in civilization and
tribal society I use my students
at the university of california as experimental guinea pigs
the como as
now Jordanian and york did use
let's say students in lewis how the cables
and experimental to understand what
had something to do with grease saw
the teeth we kozlov have
what things I do not understand well there when
I tried the argument of the cost of
women for two years after the
university of california
I realized that it argument has so
angry and right about the students at
6 the
fact is that the place of women even
in tribal societies is often always
inferior and or more or less but always
inferior and women are often
treated with very much cruelty the
fact is but it is clear that they distinguished themselves did not
like not government
believe it and when they were agents they were
so angry that I
decided not to incur this
very interesting this that if there are
any questions from the public
we will ask them there is a word evolution
that perhaps more than others helps to explain
the research the reflections the observation
of reality that has conditioned perhaps
I should say better it has permeated all
of them how big it is still
today the debt of gratitude that is
a should have to give me
still almost the question please I did not
understand well from this how great is
still today the debt of gratitude
that we should have
here is a very interesting question
for air doll one unique if if there had not
been the dr one it would have evolved
sorry if there had not been dolan from
terry and hours of theory in fact of
rid ution would have developed in the
same moor
here is a question that the trade unions also
for poverty has a
decisive influence the single video or not I
think maybe indoors and it is the scientist
because you can build a case better
than without our
knowledge different or
that the pack would be fans
would be spread more slowly gold
managed to put together eight different
tests that is more made of evolution
we often talk about outing on the role
almost competitors sleep at that big
wallace I knew maybe the three of eight
of the eni who recognized indoor does not
shine mine perhaps perhaps there
would not have grown many people so
I think that the forum was really
a particular figure in the history
of science that today who speaks of the
fourth 5 companies the network the web internet
virtual reality is changing us
deeply how deeply and
aware that we are moving towards the
fourth 57
I give you when I alfonso gio rdano that
exact that he knows perfectly at least
I understand by internet etc.
there are two traumas for me in this month
in Italy the first plot and always listening and
speaking Italian language vote
with my satisfaction not to
understand everything the second trauma and
for the first time in life
we are fonino maybe here in the united states it is
not my scams nino for the first time
n my life i had to operate my co
puter i hate from jason this contr
ption i am not after two weeks it came
ut extract a single voice
message 1 col message text the technician
luis showed me i failed
today i am very proud because
today in the morning this afternoon i
managed to send out 67 messages
another nuts and best of all i
sent with a one sentence message one of
my son is the my son
replied minimally to congratulated
napier bayern successful but when you give the
polo shirts of the 406 the 46 not only
the technology is certain that there are in
reality 45 65 j
the three centers here were talking but now
we know that the simple
from africa certain such site east africa of the
mountain are other species he says and this
is actually the important sign
something about religion about religions
seemed extraordinarily to me
important and I would say educational the story
of easter island seemed to me
particularly instructive educational
significant the story of
easter island that in the book the collapse
remember to build their stone gods
we all have in mind we have seen the
images have totally destroyed
all the their forests have shrunk the
miserable is one of the most dramatic examples
I would say that the damage that religion is
misunderstood can do as all
excesses as all
bias agrees on this I would say that
religion is a human product as
well as music poverty head to the
tour giver and all human products
can for bad uses like good busi
the region there he offered the divine
the requiem mass by Verdi
religion also offered us from the
wars of religion europe so it is full of
scovazzi and soto I am not willing
to resort to just one bad one I
save myself the next question which
was I talked about religion badly understood
a there are good ones understood which are
those that do not harm themselves
to others
and yet I seem to have noticed that in the
world of science and not only
physics, religion has few employees
because perhaps because there is no need to
give a rational explanation to facts
that actually seem more
dominated by chaos and chance, that is, according to
all the latest scientific research
from general relativity to
quantum mathematics, let's say in a
world that is presented to us it does not
foresee an organic
someone entity that organizes everything and
this is a
shocking element that should upset the very idea
of religion or not I loo
ed for a chapter of my book the
world until yesterday on arrival john and 20 and
I recognized various functions terror
region and functions have changed
changed from history a function in the
distant past that was an
explanatory function even gay tribes had to
understand why a sun rises and then you
go down and they owe them to terni with
horse-drawn carriages and
so on etcetera little little science a certain
open yesterday more convincing explanation
for a world of nature and little little
religion has lost with functions of
inspiration but the harsh region has other
functions a function that has risen
almost 55,000 400 years before Christ and
the function of supporting the doubts of ence
to a state to a king a shooter because the
first to tower of the medium a fair play
were proclaimed for of wines because
we must obey the italian prime minister
why we have to obey
market present
here is a really honest question
what are the reasons in the region the
to support u n centralized government
were religious reasons but now you can
Italians a bidet that every now and then the
traffic lights and the Italian prime minister
not for religious reasons but for other
and we Americans also occasionally
see our laws not for religious reasons
but also for other reasons that goes from the
last two questions because the man who
can go into space who is
capable of building
artistic technological wonders but then so
much effort to live with other
human beings even with the
neighbor is a question of intelligence
there has been a some serious error
in evolution is missing that
transformation in the DNA that could
have made us better better than
we are not less selfish less obtuse or
perhaps these negative characteristics
are part of our
human being of sending the alleys into
space and to the other side we are neither
international am we are perhaps going to
destroy our civilization
the question arises now we know that
there are billions and billions of tikal both
the gardens of stars the billions now
even in the last twenty years we have
discovered that most of the stars
planets and perhaps 20 percent of the
planets have conditions suitable for
and so when certainly there will be many
received to the outside as smart as
where are the plates ahead when there are
many civilizations inter agent of fate
I think the explanation is exactly
what he said that the ability to
send into space is
joint with the ability to destroy
other human beings for us
first the first car the first sport
and it was announced a hand launched
1957 and how things go now
unlikely or uncertain 6 c ser
there will be neither sold able to launch
into space
after the year 2050
so we have had the ability for a
hundred years and then finished I think that here is
the explanation why there are no
dishes ahead when a company arises
capable of shipping it and soon crasto
self-destructs the very latest lamanna
interesting for the students of the luiss
but also for us I believe that the idea has
been made of italy and the italians
she teaches in the united states now
also in italy what are the
most evident differences between the two systems
school students
then we close to give the word
to the author who, if he wants, then accepts
some questions from the
public my first impression 1 the impression
of florence but the businesses really
the students the
students I met here in
lewis and even today I have been twice
to the wisdom the
students I met there
are very good students today he did
Giordano and I have heard some
good questions here is less
Italian word that I have just entered right
so I do not speak of law florence in
identity when it comes to top notch students
both in italy and in the
united states and a great pleasure to
inse thank you
I would tell Professor Julian to
sit here in my place
first of all thanks for everything thanks to the
presence in the people who came
I have a long list of thanks
but that I will do very quickly because I
have to and I feel it
thanks to the doctor meetings who used
some too generous words and
my work of my book but I thank him they
are deserved but I take them
as they are thanks then I have to thank
the luiss
because when in reality the rectorate
has called me the microphone I can not
I can not look at them hears well and I have
so here it says to you when the very
long directorate called me and
says but staff would like to teach
next year to the professor come on it is not
said very nice joke now let's go
in reality it was true and therefore what I
had dreamed in short seemed in short
truly a dream then came true
I have to say that last year while they
accompany him in a geographical society
I know myself no autographs made to all
the books I read as a child and therefore
not too small but in short,
violets so I was given to
do then you never thought you
saw my name coupled to the south and
I must say that it is an experience have lunch
with him to take many things so I
also thank him for this so I
thank luiss for this great
opportunity and
then I have to thank a rometta luiss
university press doctor cortazzo
who proposed me to write this
little test I must say that it was very
informative because summarizing in a few
words such a complex phenomenon, so great,
so human, was very difficult and
here was also the help of doctor rosa
who was my flogger of pages
so he cut me all the time
I have to say this thing was very
then I have to thank my
closest collaborators who are there to
see them annetta pagano who worked
with me on this book and then
reread he many chapters reminded me of
many data and two others that are not
present here that with a job in brussels and
the other doctor baldinelli
now works in her knows london she also
teaches so let's say this
means that she is getting very
old because if my students a
few years ago are already teaching in
reality i am getting very old
this i am not very happy with them i
already do and i must say that the book
was very instructive illicit in the data
the data are naturally very uncertain
myself i passed at least i think 3
nights with giuseppe con annetta
check the different data that
came to us from the list rather than
from the ocse or rather from the
world bank or from eurostat and there were
also differences of thousands of people
this because of course the
revelations are different and they turn out
to be yes different people also detect data
and then the same person
also mounts geographic position changes
position also of migrant type
but we will also have another conference
soon that will also concern
this absurd classification of
migrants refugees and refugees or
refugees and migrants for the economy that
seems a bit obsolete because what harm
is there to emigrate because there is a need to
improve your life or because
you are running away from a war so this
distinction that was born in 1951 after the
Second World War is actually a
bit obsolete and we must remember that it was
made for Europeans precisely to
protect Europeans who were in an
adverse territory after the second
world war then we extended to the
whole world in short we found ourselves
a bit of problems
and the data, however, are important because,
however inaccurate they give us a little, I
too was surprised by some
data for example it said we have
more or minus 60 million compatriots
so we have another Italy
abroad and in the century that is, at the turn
of the century between the nineteenth century o and the
twentieth century our estimate is 15 20
million Italians who went
because Italy is beautiful but did not
feed us
the thing that should make us think or
precisely the finger on two elements, the first
is that apart from the landings of which I will make
some small mention in a moment and that
do not fall into this field where before
we really said in recent years there
are more Italians who go
abroad than migrants arriving
in Europe, i.e. twice as many Italians
go out than migrants who
arrive at this it
simply means that Italy is
worsening its conditions because
immigrants can also be the
solutions but the point that no one arrives
for work means both a
place that does not attract this is
also dramatic from the point of view of
skilled immigration where we have
many young Italians who aim that
this would still not be a problem
because there are people who do
high-level activities qualifying
tours around the world the point is that we are no
longer a place where you come because there is
skilled work and unfortunately there is
also no less skilled one so
we have four and a half million
Italians who have left
in the last three years who they are
exactly double those who
could arrive with migrants
we said from abroad then in this
task we said 9.5 percent
then in short a figure that can be 9
and 10 because it changes according to the moment of the
action we have a share between 5
million and 76 million immigrants now
more or less stable in Italy I say why
it is not so certain because it also
depends on the time of the survey and of
these another data that seems
not to be so communicated is that
most are regular
irregular are only 4 percent
of total immigrants, therefore a
quota of 350 thousand people and even being
regular or irregular is a matter of
political decision.
air and irregular according to the
amnesties that are put in place per
second the combine of the convenience
that the countries have then there is a
big fat problem instead that we are
facing is that of the landings
that are arriving
at our borders for geopolitical issues this is
a big problem because we
unfortunately had a great idea as Europe,
that of the Schengen of free
movement, but as always
we have fully applied in Europe
what the
original idea is, that is, we have moved the
borders but we have not equipped the countries
that I am in fact on the border
like Italy but Greece and there was
no European solidarity in managing
these landings this however a
European problem that we can postpone as long as
we want but in reality these people who
are arriving at this moment
find it better to throw themselves into the sea risking
the sea life that staying there where
certain death is therefore a problem that is not
we have to postpone that we have to
deal with a little more intelligence
the data is that sense of the book wanted to
be this we have put up a series
of data that are clearly
always estimates but which should be like saying
be useful for people to
understand what we are talking about the book
also talks about not only integration that
perhaps the least important aspect because it is
much debated but there is the
political aspect of migration are the
economic aspects are aspects that
naturally also concern how to say
the change in society
and data are important I report
the last story at the end of the book a
few years ago ipsos mori with a
large English research agency
asked very trivial questions to
the general population imputation of
different types of different
geographical and social backgrounds
the questions when she is a child in gt5 there
how many migrants are there in your country how many
crime has increased how many to
see in short, a series of
fairly trivial questions well all
overestimated the amount of for the
negative phenomena
Italy turned out to be the country less to us
as to say informed on the facts and in
particular on migration the question
to punt immigrants I am grateful country
at the time were more or less 7 per
cent the average of the different subjects answered