Italian language

How to pronounce disturbance in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms affray, fray, ruffle
Type of fight, combat, scrap, fighting
Type Words
Synonyms commotion, disruption, flutter, hoo-ha, hoo-hah, hurly burly, kerfuffle, to-do
Type of disorder
Has types incident, uproar, storm, convulsion, tumultuousness, stir, splash, garboil, upheaval, tumult, earthquake, turmoil, tempest, storm centre, storm center

they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused.
Type Words
Synonyms interference, noise
Type of trouble
Has types xt, atmospheric static, atmospherics, background, background signal, clutter, crosstalk, fadeout, jitter, static, white noise
Type Words
Synonyms folie, mental disorder, mental disturbance, psychological disorder
Type of upset, disorder
Has types delirium, conversion reaction, conversion hysteria, conversion disorder, neuroticism, dissociative disorder, folie a deux, personality disorder, major affective disorder, schizothymia, neurosis, delusional disorder, aberration, affective disorder, emotional disturbance, encopresis, psychosomatic disorder, asperger's syndrome, anxiety disorder, emotional disorder, psychoneurosis
Type Words
Synonyms perturbation
Type of activity
Has types hassle, magnetic storm, fuss, trouble, bother

he looked around for the source of the disturbance.
there was a disturbance of neural function.
Type Words
Synonyms perturbation, upset
Type of agitation
Derivation disturb

there was too much anger and disturbance.
Type Words
Type of movement, motility, motion, move
Has types excitement, agitation, furor, furore, disruption, disorganization, disorganisation, havoc, hullabaloo, violent disorder, din, mayhem, melee, outburst, overthrow, perturbation, rampage, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, derangement, scrimmage, commotion, circus, carnival, battle royal, tumult, tumultuous disturbance, turmoil, upheaval, upset
Derivation disturb