Italian language

How to pronounce defeat in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms licking
Type of ending, failure, finish, conclusion
Has types heartbreaker, lurch, rout, shutout, waterloo, whipping, whitewash, debacle, drubbing, skunk, slaughter, thrashing, trouncing, walloping
Derivation defeatist

it was a narrow defeat.
the army's only defeat.
Type Words
Synonyms frustration
Type of disappointment, letdown
Derivation defeatist
Type Words
Synonyms get the better of, overcome
Has types vanquish, wallop, beat, beat out, come through, conquer, crush, demolish, destroy, down, expel, lurch, make it, nose, overrun, pull round, pull through, rout, rout out, shell, skunk, survive, trounce, upset

defeat your enemies.
Type Words
Synonyms kill, shoot down, vote down, vote out
Type of negative, veto, blackball