Italian language

How to pronounce criticism in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms unfavorable judgment
Type of disapproval
Has types attack, carping, potshot, rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproof, reproval, thrust, brickbat, blast, slating, static, stricture, faultfinding, fire, flack, flak
Derivation critical, criticise

the senator received severe criticism from his opponent.
Type Words
Synonyms critique
Type of critical analysis, critical appraisal
Has types examen, self-criticism, roast, knock
Derivation critical, criticise

constructive criticism is always appreciated.
Type Words
Synonyms literary criticism
Type of written material, piece of writing, writing
Has types new criticism, critical review, critique, explication de texte, analysis, review, review article, textual criticism
Derivation critical, criticise