The strength of the working class is organization. Without organization of the masses, the proletariat is nothing. Organized, it is everything. Being organized means unity of action, the unity of pratical activity. Lenin, 1907
PART ONE All is calm at the factory
But there is trouble brewing.
They hurry to...
The Director.
He laid down the law.
Through the hierarchy.
''Get me the files on the factory district.''
lnformation of ''Private Agents''.
List of Agents who spy: The Monkey, The Quiet One, The Patriarch, The Fellow-Countryman, Zoya, Bulldog, The Fox, The Taylor, The Shepherd, The Owl, The Fly-by-night.
The Fox.
The Owl.
To the meeting place.
The Monkey.
The Bulldog
A group of activists.
''They've pushed us into a corner, so we've got to strike.''
''With our people...''
''It would be better... if the people didn't go out on strike...''
"Agitate everywhere."
'The Owl' is in a tight spot.
"A spy!"
Secret meetings.
They're stirring up the people.
Accordion accompaniment.
''You've become even more insolent, you scum!''
Meanwhile, in the underground...
The boys are taking action.
Enough of patience! Let's go out on strike, comrades, into the struggle!
A micrometer is stolen.
The price of the micrometer is 25 rubles.
A loss of three weeks pay.
To the office to report the loss.
''We haven't had any thieves before.''
The Manager.
Comrades, the boss accused me of the theft. I'm not guilty but l can't prove it. I cannot leave the factory with the stigma of a thief. So l have decided to put an end to myself. Goodbye and remember l'm not guilty. Yakov Strongen.
''Break it up!''
''Stop work!''
The master craftsmen.
''Blow the whistle!''
''Go to hell!''
For the whistle.
To the Old Foundry.
The assembly.
The Old Foundry resists.
''C'mon, lads, let's take it!''
''To the office, Comrades!''
''Don't open the gates! Let no one in or out!''
The Tribune of Labor.
In the office.
''Without our labor the furnaces will go out, the machines will stop, the plant will die...
''...We have the power, we are the power, if we are united to struggle against the capital.''
A ''carriage'' for the administration.
''Why didn't you warn us about all this?"
First day.
''Get up for work.''
Copying their fathers.
Orders pour in.
Everything on which their thrones rest is made by the worker's hands.
''Is that on strike too?''
Formulating demands.
''We demand an eight hour work day...
...Fair treatment by the management.''
''A 30% increase in wages.''
At the police station.
''There are no cowards or traitors among us. We'll defend our demands to the end.''
The stockholders.
''l'll read them.''
''A 6 hour work day for minors.''
''They're demanding a 30% wage increase.''
''lt's shocking. They've brought the factory into politics!''
''This is impudence.''
''And now, gentlemen...''
"Sit down!"
''Oh, that isn't all...''
''You press down hard and you get... juice.''
The demands.
''The administration, having considered the workers' demands with the utmost care...''
''Clean it up.''
"A nice reply."
Each flock has its black sheep.
Late into the night they studied the workers' welfare.
''He's hungry.''
To the flea market.
The tobacco pouch is empty.
''Want my dinner, Daddy.''
On the prowl.
The Owl sees by day as well.
Having reviewed the workers' demands with the utmost care, the administration considers them impractical for the following reasons: 1 . The eight hour work day is completely illegal and does not depend upon the administration. 2 ) The wage increase...
...A civil manner from the administration is recommended only if the workers submit unconditionally.
At a prearranged place.
...A civil manner from the administration is recommended only if the workers submit unconditionally.
In the evening.
In the night.
''Beat him!''
''Beat him!''
Next night.
''Article 102: 4 to 6 years of hard labor... or...''
Towards morning.
''They've brought him around.''
The leader, the most dangerous man.
They are discussing the refusal.
''Who is for continuing the strike?''
"Who is against continuing the strike?"
''A minority for work. We continue the strike.''
The Czarist police are not squeamish.
"I'll announce you immediately.''
''The King''
A shady deal.
''My realms are limitless.''
The Kadushkino Cemetery.
Tough sorts.
''I need five unscrupulous men.''
"We're ALL without conscience!"
Down to ''business''.
The Monkey works in wholesale, the Owl and Bulldog in retail.
They take turns.
The war council.
From a meeting.
At ''work''.
Worming their way in.
The ''King's'' boys go into action.
''lt's provocation!" "Call out the firemen!''
"Stop gossiping and guard the fire alarm or they will foil the plan."
''Comrades, follow me.''
''They want to buy us with vodka! Don't be provoked!''
''Provocateurs are here working with the police. Everybody go home, Comrades!''
It's been foiled.
''Follow me.''
"Are you having fun?"
A dead end.
Struggling for a way out.
They have broken through.
He got away.
" ''Flush out'' the ringleaders!"
''You scum ! Your own people...''
They've caught him.
In the factory district a State Liquor Store was smashed, looted and burned by the strikers. The crowd was dispersed with water hoses. The situation is tense. There is fear of further unrest. Troops have been sent to the district by order of the Governor.
The first fight.
''Comrades, help!''
''To the forge, comrades! To the sledge hammers!''
''Go home!''
They have broken in.
Wild animals.
''You can't put them all in prison. Our boys will hold out.''
''The boys...''
''Your little district...''
''is already...''
''But you, young man, could maybe join us... we could help you. What do you say?''
''Back to my cell.''
The carnage.
The defeat.
And like bloody unforgettable scars on the body of the proletariat lay the wounds of Lena, Talka, Zlataust, Yaro, Slavl, Tsaritsin and Kostroma.