Italian language

How to pronounce conduct in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms carry, channel, convey, impart, transmit
Type of bring, convey, take
Has types wash up, pipe in, bring in, retransmit
Verb group carry, convey, express
Derivation conductive, conductor, conduction

Many metals conduct heat.
Type Words
Synonyms direct, guide, lead, take
Has types misdirect, beacon, hand, usher, misguide, show, mislead, lead astray

He conducted us to the palace.
Type Words
Synonyms direct, lead
Type of do, perform, execute
Derivation conducting

conduct an orchestra; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years.
Type Words
Synonyms behavior, behaviour, doings
Type of activity
Has types offense, aggression, bohemianism, dirty pool, dirty tricks, discourtesy, easiness, offence, offensive activity, the way of the world, the ways of the world
Type Words
Synonyms carry on, deal
Type of deal, manage, handle, care
Has types racketeer
Derivation conducting

You cannot conduct business like this.
Type Words
Synonyms acquit, bear, behave, carry, comport, deport
Type of bear, carry, move, hold, act
Has types posture, fluster, deal, pose, walk around, put forward, assert

They conducted themselves well during these difficult times.
Type Words
Synonyms behavior, behaviour, demeanor, demeanour, deportment
Type of trait
Has types improperness, manner, manners, citizenship, correctitude, personal manner, properness, propriety, swashbuckling, impropriety
Type Words
Type of perform
Verb group direct, lead
Derivation conductor, conducting

Bernstein conducted Mahler like no other conductor.
she cannot conduct modern pieces.