Italian language

How to pronounce chairs in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms chairman
Type of lead, head

She chaired the department for many years.
Type Words
Synonyms chairman, chairperson, chairwoman, president
Type of presiding officer
Has types kalon tripa, vice chairman

address your remarks to the chairperson.
Type Words
Synonyms lead, moderate
Type of talk over, discuss, hash out
Type Words
Synonyms death chair, electric chair, hot seat
Type of instrument of execution

the murderer was sentenced to die in the chair.
Type Words
Synonyms professorship
Type of place, office, billet, berth, spot, situation, post, position

he was awarded an endowed chair in economics.
Type Words
Type of seat

he is second chair violin.
Type Words
Type of seat
Has types rocker, rocking chair, armchair, chaise longue, daybed, eames chair, feeding chair, fighting chair, folding chair, garden chair, highchair, barber chair, chair of state, ladder-back, ladder-back chair, lawn chair, chaise, wheelchair, tablet-armed chair, swivel chair, straight chair, side chair

he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down.