Italian language

How to pronounce award in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms present
Type of allocate, apportion
Has types certificate, bestow, confer
Type Words
Synonyms grant
Type of give
Has types pension off, pension

the referee awarded a free kick to the team.
the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff.
Type Words
Synonyms prize
Type of gift
Has types prize money, gratuity, scholarship, fellowship, door prize, premium, jackpot
Type Words
Synonyms awarding
Type of subsidisation, grant, subsidization
Has types addiction

he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court.
Type Words
Synonyms accolade, honor, honour, laurels
Type of symbol
Has types decoration, degree, distinction, academic degree, honorable mention, emmy, academy award, aliyah, cachet, citation, commendation, crown, medal, medallion, mention, nobel prize, oscar, palm, pennant, prix de rome, prix goncourt, prize, ribbon, seal, seal of approval, trophy, varsity letter, laurel wreath, letter

an award for bravery.