Italian language

How to pronounce ascend in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms go up
Type of travel, go, locomote, move
Has types surface, come up, uprise, rise up, rise
Derivation ascendant, ascender, ascension, ascensive, ascent, ascendable

We ascended the mountain.
The mountaineers slowly ascended the steep slope.
Type Words
Synonyms come up, rise, uprise
Type of uprise, arise, come up, go up, lift, move up, rise
Derivation ascendent, ascension

Jupiter ascends.
Type Words
Synonyms move up, rise
Type of change

She ascended from a life of poverty to one of great renown.
Type Words
Synonyms climb up
Type Words
Type of enter, accede
Derivation ascendancy

She ascended to the throne after the King's death.
Type Words
Type of follow, travel along

The boat ascended the Delaware.
Type Words
Type of date back, go back, date from

Inheritance may not ascend linearly.
Type Words
Type of incline, slope, pitch
Derivation ascendant, ascendent, ascender, ascensive, ascent

The path ascended to the top of the hill.