Italian language

How to pronounce animate in Italian?

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Type Words
Synonyms animise, animize
Type of alter, change, modify
Derivation animator

animated cartoons.
Type Words
Synonyms enliven, exalt, inspire, invigorate
Type of stimulate, excite, stir, shake, shake up
Has types encourage
Type Words
Synonyms enliven, invigorate, liven, liven up
Type of arouse, brace, energise, energize, perk up, stimulate
Has types spirit, spirit up, juice up, ginger up, jazz up, inspirit, pep up
Derivation animator
Type Words
Synonyms quicken, reanimate, recreate, renovate, repair, revive, revivify, vivify
Type of brace, perk up, arouse, energise, energize, stimulate
Verb group revive, resuscitate, come to
Type Words
Synonyms sentient
Derivation animateness
Type Words

the word `dog' is animate.
Type Words
Derivation animateness

we are animate beings.