French language

How to pronounce works in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms workings
Type of mechanism
Type Words
Synonyms industrial plant, plant
Type of building complex, complex
Has types disposal plant, distillery, winery, bottling plant, brewery, packing plant, packinghouse, recycling plant, refinery, saltworks, sewage disposal plant, smelter, smeltery, still, wine maker, factory, manufactory, manufacturing plant, mill, mint
Type Words
Synonyms deeds
Type of activity

the reward for good works.
Type Words
Synonyms full treatment, kit and boodle, kit and caboodle, whole caboodle, whole kit, whole kit and boodle, whole kit and caboodle, whole shebang, whole works
Type of entirety, totality, entireness, integrality

a hotdog with the works.