French language

How to pronounce vanish in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms disappear
Type of terminate, finish, stop, end, cease

An entire civilization vanished.
Type Words
Synonyms fell, fly
Type of slide by, slip away, slip by, go by, go along, pass, glide by, elapse, lapse
Verb group vaporize, fly
Type Words
Synonyms disappear, go away
Type of cease, stop, end, terminate, finish
Has types dematerialise, bob under, clear, dematerialize
Derivation vanisher, vanishing

The effect vanished when day broke.
Type Words
Synonyms fly, vaporize
Type of fall, diminish, lessen, decrease
Verb group fly, fell

the money vanished in las Vegas.
Type Words
Synonyms disappear, go away
Has types wither, blow over, desorb, die, die off, die out, evanesce, fade, fall, fall away, fall off, fleet, go, pass, pass off, remove, skip town, take a powder, absent
Derivation vanisher, vanishing