French language

How to pronounce uncertain in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms unsealed
Derivation uncertainness
Type Words
Synonyms changeable, unsettled

the weather is uncertain.
Type Words
Synonyms incertain, unsure
Derivation uncertainness

uncertain of his convictions.
moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps.
an uncertain smile.
touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers.
Type Words

she spoke in no uncertain terms.
Type Words
Derivation uncertainness

everything is uncertain about the army.
the issue is uncertain.
Type Words
Derivation uncertainness

an uncertain recollection of events.
a gun with a rather uncertain trigger.
Type Words
Derivation uncertainness

an uncertain future.
a manuscript of uncertain origin.
plans are still uncertain.
changes of great if uncertain consequences.
without further evidence his story must remain uncertain.