French language

How to pronounce sweat in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms perspire, sudate
Type of egest, pass, excrete, eliminate
Has types swelter
Derivation sweater, sweating

Exercise makes one sweat.
Type Words
Synonyms fret, lather, stew, swither
Type of agitation

he's in a sweat about exams.
Type Words
Synonyms perspiration, sudor
Type of secretion

sweat poured off his brow.
Type Words
Synonyms effort, elbow grease, exertion, travail
Type of labor, toil, labour
Has types physical exercise, physical exertion, pull, rubbing, strain, straining, struggle, supererogation, trouble, workout, exercise, diligence, difficulty, detrition, exercising, application, friction, least effort, least resistance, overexertion, overkill
Type Words
Type of condensate, condensation

the cold glasses were streaked with sweat.