French language

How to pronounce resist in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms hold out, stand firm, withstand
Type of oppose, fight down, fight back, defend, fight
Has types hold up, hold, outbrave, remain firm, withstand, defy, stand, stand out, stand up, hold off
Derivation resistance, resistant, resistive
Type Words
Synonyms refuse, reject
Type of react, respond
Derivation resistant
Type Words
Synonyms fend, stand
Type of fight, oppose, fight down, defend, fight back
Verb group remain firm, stand
Derivation resistant

The trees resisted her.
Type Words
Synonyms defy, refuse
Type of escape, elude
Has types beggar
Type Words
Synonyms dissent, protest
Type of contradict, controvert, oppose
Has types renegade, rebel, arise, march, walk out, strike, rise up, demonstrate, rise
Derivation resistive, resistant
Type Words
Synonyms balk, baulk, jib
Type of disobey
Derivation resistance, resistant, resister, resistive