French language

How to pronounce prevent in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms keep
Has types restrict, shut out, wash out, hinder, shut, hold, defend, impede, rain out, exclude, blank, keep away, keep out, restrain
Verb group keep
Derivation preventative, prevention, preventive

We must prevent the cancer from spreading.
Type Words
Synonyms forbid, foreclose, forestall, preclude
Has types embarrass, avoid, baffle, bilk, inhibit, kibosh, make unnecessary, obstruct, obviate, queer, save, scotch, spoil, stave off, stop, stymie, stymy, thwart, ward off, block, blockade, cross, debar, deflect, avert, fend off, foil, forefend, forfend, frustrate, halt, head off, hinder
Derivation preventative, preventive