French language

How to pronounce misrepresentation in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms deceit, deception
Type of untruth, falsehood, falsity
Has types window dressing, dissembling, trickery, subterfuge, snow job, duplicity, equivocation, snake oil, evasion, exaggeration, slickness, facade, feigning, fraudulence, half-truth, hanky panky, hocus-pocus, humbug, jiggery-pokery, skullduggery, magnification, bill of goods, skulduggery, pretence, overstatement, pretense, blind
Derivation misrepresent
Type Words
Synonyms falsification
Type of wrongful conduct, misconduct, wrongdoing, actus reus
Has types lying, fabrication, equivocation, distortion, straining, dissimulation, tergiversation, torture, dissembling, twisting, deception, deceit, prevarication, overrefinement