French language

How to pronounce lay in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms ballad
Type of verse form, poem
Has types edda
Type Words
Synonyms laic, secular
Derivation laity

the lay ministry.
Type Words
Synonyms put down, repose
Type of put, place, set, pose, position
Has types blow, rail, bury, rebury, inter, entomb, lay to rest, inhume

lay the books on the table.
lay the patient carefully onto the bed.
Type Words
Synonyms ballad
Type of vocal, song
Has types minstrelsy
Type Words
Synonyms place, pose, position, put, set
Type of move, displace
Has types misplace, nestle, parallelize, park, perch, pigeonhole, pile, pillow, place down, place upright, plant, poise, posit, position, postpose, prepose, put back, put down, put in, rack up, recess, recline, replace, repose, reposition, rest, seat, seed, set, set down, set up, settle, settle down, shelve, ship, sign, siphon, sit, sit down, situate, snuggle, sow, space, stand up, step, stick in, stratify, superimpose, superpose, tee, tee up, throw, thrust, trench, underlay, upend, stand, appose, arrange, barrel, bed, bottle, bucket, butt, clap, cock, coffin, cram, deposit, dispose, docket, emplace, enclose, ensconce, fix, glycerolise, glycerolize, ground, imbricate, inclose, insert, instal, install, intersperse, introduce, jar, juxtapose, ladle, lay over, lean, load, marshal, middle
Type Words
Type of impose, levy

lay a responsibility on someone.
Type Words
Type of put down, repose
Has types spawn
Derivation layer

This hen doesn't lay.
Type Words

a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease.
Type Words
Type of organise, organize, prepare, devise, machinate, get up

lay a fire.
lay the foundation for a new health care plan.