French language

How to pronounce judge in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms approximate, estimate, gauge, guess
Type of work out, cipher, reckon, calculate, cypher, compute, figure
Has types truncate, make, misgauge, count, lowball, place, put, quantise, quantize, set, assess, underestimate, give, guesstimate, reckon
Derivation judging, judgment
Type Words
Synonyms label, pronounce
Type of declare, hold, adjudge
Has types exculpate, exonerate, intone, assoil, tout, find, discharge, qualify, intonate, rule, convict, acquit, disqualify, clear
Derivation judgment
Type Words
Synonyms evaluate, pass judgment
Type of cogitate, cerebrate, think
Has types prove, accept, adjudge, anticipate, appraise, approve, ascribe, assess, assign, attribute, believe, calculate, choose, conceive, consider, count on, critique, declare, disapprove, essay, estimate, evaluate, examine, expect, fail, figure, forecast, grade, hold, impute, measure, order, pass, place, prejudge, range, rank, rate, reappraise, reckon, reject, review, stand, test, think, try, try out, valuate, value
Derivation judging, judgment

I cannot judge some works of modern art.
Type Words
Synonyms evaluator
Type of authority
Has types critic, appraiser, umpire, arbitrator, valuator, arbiter
Derivation judgeship, judicial
Type Words
Synonyms adjudicate, try
Type of decide, determine, make up one's mind
Has types court-martial
Derivation judgment, judiciary

The judge tried both father and son in separate trials.
Type Words
Synonyms jurist, justice
Type of adjudicator, functionary, official
Has types recorder, trial judge, trier, chief justice, daniel, doge, justiciar, justiciary, magistrate, ordinary, praetor, pretor, qadi, alcalde
Derivation judicial, adjudicate, judgeship
Type Words
Type of settle, adjudicate, decide, resolve
Has types referee, umpire
Derivation judgment