French language

How to pronounce impregnate in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms infuse, instill, tincture
Type of fill up, make full, fill
Type Words
Synonyms saturate
Type of fill up, make full, fill
Has types thoriate, alcoholize, ammonify, charge, drench, imbrue, imbue, medicate, soak, stuff, alcoholise
Derivation impregnation
Type Words
Synonyms bang up, knock up, prang up
Type of fecundate, inseminate, fertilize, fertilise
Derivation impregnation

He impregnated his wife again.
Type Words
Type of fertilize, fecundate, inseminate, fertilise
Has types inoculate
Verb group bang up, prang up, knock up
Derivation impregnation

the egg was impregnated.