French language

How to pronounce imagination in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms imagery, imaging, mental imagery
Type of representational process
Has types vision, chimaera, chimera, dream, dreaming, envisioning, evocation, make-believe, mind's eye, picturing, pretence, pretense
Derivation imagine

he could still hear her in his imagination.
Type Words
Synonyms imaginativeness, vision
Type of creative thinking, creativeness, creativity
Has types mythical place, phantasy, fantasy, fictitious place, imaginary being, imaginary creature, fancy, imaginary place, dreaming, dream
Derivation imagine

popular imagination created a world of demons.
imagination reveals what the world could be.
Type Words
Synonyms resource, resourcefulness
Type of inventiveness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, cleverness
Has types inventory, armory, armoury