French language

How to pronounce hound in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms hound dog
Type of hunting dog
Has types afghan hound, basset, basset hound, beagle, bloodhound, bluetick, boarhound, coonhound, deerhound, afghan, foxhound, gazelle hound, greyhound, harrier, ibizan hound, ibizan podenco, norwegian elkhound, otter hound, otterhound, elkhound, plott hound, redbone, saluki, scottish deerhound, sleuthhound, staghound, weimaraner, wolfhound
Type Words
Synonyms hunt, trace
Type of track, trail, chase, chase after, tail, dog, give chase, go after, tag
Has types ferret

the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him.
Type Words
Synonyms blackguard, bounder, cad, dog, heel
Type of villain, scoundrel
Has types perisher