French language

How to pronounce excavate in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms dig up, turn up
Type of obtain
Has types grub up, nuzzle, disinter, exhume, grub out
Verb group locate, turn up
Derivation excavation
Type Words
Synonyms unearth
Type of bring out, reveal, unveil
Has types dig out, dig up, dig
Derivation excavation

Schliemann excavated Troy.
excavate gold.
Type Words
Synonyms dig, hollow
Type of take, take away, remove, withdraw
Has types trench, drive, ditch
Derivation excavation

the mining company wants to excavate the hillside.
Type Words
Type of core out, hollow out, hollow
Derivation excavation, excavator

Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team.
excavate a cavity.