French language

How to pronounce engine in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms locomotive, locomotive engine, railway locomotive
Type of self-propelled vehicle
Has types tank engine, choo-choo, diesel locomotive, dinkey, dinky, donkey engine, electric locomotive, iron horse, pilot engine, shunter, steam locomotive, switch engine, tank locomotive, traction engine
Derivation engineer
Type Words
Type of instrument
Has types arbalest, arbalist, trebucket, trebuchet, ballista, battering ram, bricole, onager, catapult, mangonel

medieval engines of war.
Type Words
Type of motor
Has types reaction engine, auxiliary engine, heat engine, generator, donkey engine, aircraft engine, reaction-propulsion engine, automobile engine
Derivation engineer
Type Words
Type of cause, causal agent, causal agency

an engine of change.