French language

How to pronounce ceremony in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms ceremonial, ceremonial occasion, observance
Type of social function, social occasion, function, affair, occasion
Has types fire walking, formalities, formality, funeral, potlatch, circumstance, commemoration, dedication, exercise, initiation, installation, maundy, memorialisation, memorialization, military ceremony, nuptials, obsequy, opening, pageant, pageantry, wedding, wedding ceremony, hymeneals, induction
Derivation ceremonial

a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor.
Type Words
Type of activity
Has types chanoyu, tea ceremony
Derivation ceremonial, ceremonious

the ceremony of smelling the cork and tasting the wine.
he makes a ceremony of addressing his golf ball.
he disposed of it without ceremony.
Type Words
Type of activity
Has types purgation, purification, military ceremony, religious ceremony, groundbreaking ceremony, religious ritual, groundbreaking, lustrum, presentation
Derivation ceremonial, ceremonious

an inaugural ceremony.