French language

How to pronounce campaign in French?

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Type Words
Synonyms military campaign
Type of military operation, operation
Has types expedition, military expedition, hostile expedition
Type Words
Synonyms take the field
Has types crusade
Type Words
Synonyms run
Type of run, race
Has types whistlestop, rerun, stump, cross-file, register
Derivation campaigner
Type Words
Synonyms political campaign, run
Type of race
Has types senate campaign, governor's race, senate race, campaign for governor

I managed his campaign for governor.
Type Words
Synonyms hunting expedition, safari
Type of expedition
Type Words
Synonyms agitate, crusade, fight, press, push
Type of advertize, advertise, promote, push
Verb group promote, push, advertise, advertize
Type Words
Synonyms cause, crusade, drive, effort, movement
Type of venture
Has types consumerism, electioneering, feminism, feminist movement, fund-raising campaign, fund-raising drive, fund-raising effort, gay lib, gay liberation movement, ad blitz, ad campaign, advertising campaign, anti-war movement, campaigning, candidacy, candidature, charm campaign, lost cause, political campaign, reform, war, women's lib, women's liberation movement, youth crusade, youth movement

he supported populist campaigns.