Spanish language

How to pronounce year in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms class
Type of assemblage, gathering
Has types junior class, graduating class, sophomore class, senior class, freshman class

she was in my year at Hoehandle High.
Type Words
Synonyms twelvemonth, yr
Type of period of time, time period, period
Has types fiscal year, 365 days, 366 days, annum, bissextile year, calendar year, christian year, church year, civil year, common year, financial year, holy year, intercalary year, leap year, new year, off year, y2k, year of grace
Derivation yearly

she is 4 years old.
in the year 1920.
Type Words
Type of period, time period, period of time
Has types academic year, school year

a school year.
Type Words
Type of time period, period, period of time
Has types tropical year, solar year, equinoctial year, anomalistic year, astronomical year, lunar year, sidereal year

a Martian year takes 687 of our days.