Spanish language

How to pronounce woman in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms char, charwoman, cleaning lady, cleaning woman
Type of cleaner

I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write.
Type Words
Synonyms adult female
Type of adult, female person, grownup, female
Has types bar girl, bas bleu, bawd, beauty, bluestocking, bridesmaid, broad, cat, cinderella, cocotte, coquette, cyprian, dame, deb, debutante, delilah, dish, divorcee, dominatrix, donna, enchantress, ex, ex-wife, eyeful, fancy woman, young woman, amazon, b-girl, bachelor girl, bachelorette, baggage, ball-breaker, ball-buster, whore, widow, widow woman, wife, woman of the street, wonder woman, working girl, young lady, femme fatale, fille, flirt, geisha, geisha girl, gentlewoman, girl, girlfriend, gold digger, grass widow, gravida, harlot, heroine, houri, inamorata, jezebel, jilt, kept woman, knockout, lady, lady friend, lady of pleasure, looker, lulu, ma'am, madam, maenad, maid of honor, mantrap, married woman, materfamilias, matriarch, matron, mestiza, minx, miss, missy, mistress, mother figure, nanny, nullipara, nurse, nursemaid, nymph, nymphet, old woman, peach, prickteaser, prostitute, ravisher, shiksa, shikse, siren, smasher, sporting lady, stunner, sweetheart, sylph, tart, tease, temptress, unmarried woman, vamp, vamper, vestal, virago, wac, wave, white woman
Derivation womanhood, womanise, womanly, womanize

the woman kept house while the man hunted.
Type Words
Synonyms fair sex, womanhood
Type of stratum, class, socio-economic class, social class
Derivation womanhood

it's an insult to American womanhood.
woman is the glory of creation.
Type Words
Type of female person, female
Derivation womanize, womanise

he was faithful to his woman.