Spanish language

How to pronounce way in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms elbow room, room
Type of position, spatial relation
Has types breathing room, living space, seats, lebensraum, standing room, sea room, headroom, seating, seating area, seating room, parking, clearance, breathing space, houseroom, headway

make way for.
Type Words
Synonyms path, way of life
Type of course of action, course
Has types primrose path, ambages, strait and narrow, straight and narrow, sunnah, warpath, hadith, sunna

we went our separate ways.
Type Words
Synonyms agency, means
Type of implementation, effectuation
Has types fast track, salvation, instrument, stepping stone, open sesame, expedient, escape, tool, tooth, wings, dint, desperate measure, voice, road

the true way to success.
Type Words
Synonyms direction
Type of itinerary, path, route
Has types trend, heading, bearing, aim, qibla, north-south direction, course, east-west direction, tendency

didn't know the way home.
Type Words
Synonyms right smart

way over budget.
way off base.
Type Words
Synonyms fashion, manner, mode, style
Type of property
Has types signature, artistic style, drape, fit, form, idiom, life-style, life style, lifestyle, modus vivendi, response, setup, touch, wise

a lonely way of life.
Type Words
Type of category

they didn't have much in the way of clothing.
Type Words
Type of journey, journeying

they are on the way.
Type Words
Type of artifact, artefact
Has types watercourse, path, road, passage, approach, stairway, staircase, access, lane, route, waterway

he said he was looking for the way out.
Type Words
Type of portion, percentage, part, share

they split the loot three ways.
Type Words
Type of pick, choice, selection

if I had my way.
Type Words
Type of condition, status

that's the way it is.
I felt the same way.
Type Words
Type of distance

it's a long way to Moscow.
he went a long ways.