Spanish language

How to pronounce vision in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms sight, visual modality, visual sense
Type of exteroception, modality, sensory system, sense modality
Has types sharp-sightedness, acuity, binocular vision, central vision, chromatic vision, color vision, daylight vision, distance vision, eyesight, monocular vision, near vision, night-sight, night vision, peripheral vision, photopic vision, scotopic vision, seeing, achromatic vision, sightedness, stigmatism, trichromacy, twilight vision, visual acuity
Type Words
Synonyms visual sensation
Type of aesthesis, sense impression, sensation, sense datum, esthesis, sense experience

the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision.
Type Words
Synonyms imagination, imaginativeness
Type of creativeness, creativity, creative thinking
Has types imaginary being, imaginary creature, imaginary place, fantasy, fancy, phantasy, dream, fictitious place, dreaming, mythical place
Type Words
Type of experience

he had a vision of the Virgin Mary.
Type Words
Type of imaging, imagery, mental imagery, imagination
Has types prevision, retrovision
Derivation visionary

he had a vision of his own death.