Spanish language

How to pronounce verbaliser in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms speaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer
Type of articulator
Has types asker, babbler, caller, caller-up, chatterbox, chatterer, conversationalist, conversationist, dictator, drawler, driveller, ejaculator, enquirer, growler, informant, inquirer, jabberer, lecturer, lisper, magpie, mentioner, motormouth, mumbler, murmurer, mutterer, narrator, native speaker, orator, phoner, prater, prattler, public speaker, querier, questioner, ranter, raver, reciter, rhetorician, schmoozer, speechifier, speechmaker, spouter, stammerer, stentor, storyteller, stutterer, talking head, telephoner, teller, venter, vociferator, voicer, wailer, whisperer, witness, alliterator, witnesser