Spanish language

How to pronounce unit in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms social unit
Type of organization, organisation
Has types force, squad, gang, general delivery, trojan horse, home, house, household, icu, intensive care unit, klavern, troop, crew, instrumentality, administrative body, member, menage, den, administrative unit, working party, military force, military group, military unit, working group, work party, combination, company, outfit, team, task force, political entity, political unit, poste restante, family, fifth column, scout group, scout troop, side
Derivation unitize

the coach said the offensive unit did a good job.
after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit.
Type Words
Synonyms unit of measurement
Type of definite quantity
Has types teraflop, acceleration unit, angular unit, area unit, bit, brinell number, capacity measure, capacity unit, carat, computer memory unit, cubage unit, cubature unit, cubic content unit, cubic measure, denier, diopter, dioptre, displacement unit, electromagnetic unit, electrostatic unit, emu, energy unit, explosive unit, force unit, heat unit, karat, kt, langley, linear measure, linear unit, mass unit, measuring block, measuring unit, megaflop, metric, metric unit, mflop, miles per gallon, million floating point operations per second, million instructions per second, mips, monetary unit, pain unit, point, pressure unit, printing unit, sound unit, square measure, telephone unit, temperature unit, absorption unit, trillion floating point operations per second, unit of viscosity, volume unit, weight, weight unit, work unit
Derivation unitize

the dollar is the United States unit of currency.
a unit of wheat is a bushel.
change per unit volume.
Type Words
Synonyms whole
Type of physical object, object
Has types total, animate thing, artifact, assembly, congener, aggregate, totality, artefact, living thing, item, natural object, sum
Derivation unify, unitize

the team is a unit.
Type Words
Synonyms building block
Type of thing
Has types group, couple, unit cell, radical, chemical chain, chemical group, chain, molecule
Derivation unitize

units of nucleic acids.
Type Words
Type of constituent, portion, component part, component, part
Derivation unitize

the reduced the number of units and installations.
the word is a basic linguistic unit.
Type Words
Type of whole
Has types one
Derivation unify, unitize

an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another.