Spanish language

How to pronounce tube in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms pipe
Type of cylinder
Type Words
Synonyms tube-shaped structure
Type of structure, body structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure
Has types vessel, vas, tubule, cochlea, salpinx
Derivation tubal
Type Words
Synonyms metro, subway, subway system, underground
Type of railway line, railroad, railroad line, railway, railway system

in Paris the subway system is called the `metro' and in London it is called the `tube' or the `underground'.
Type Words
Synonyms tubing
Type of conduit
Has types column, venturi, drain, drinking straw, torpedo tube, tobacco pipe, test tube, syphon, straw, gun barrel, hose, hosepipe, inner tube, stent, stem, mouthpiece, pea shooter, speaking tube, pipage, pipe, piping, siphon, silencer, wellpoint, barrel, blow tube, blowgun, blowpipe, blowtube, cannula, capillary, capillary tube, capillary tubing, catheter, well point, chromatography column, cigarette holder, coil
Derivation tubular
Type Words
Synonyms electron tube, thermionic tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic valve, vacuum tube
Type of electronic device
Has types klystron, acorn tube, pentode, gas-discharge tube, x-ray tube, television-camera tube, television pickup tube, electron multiplier, tetrode, magnetron, rectifying tube, triode, diode, rectifying valve
Type Words
Type of bring, convey, take
Derivation tubing

inside Paris, they used to tube mail.
Type Words
Type of enfold, envelop, enwrap, wrap, enclose
Type Words
Type of render, supply, furnish, provide
Type Words
Type of ride

We tubed down the river on a hot summer day.