Spanish language

How to pronounce thrush in Spanish?

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Type Words
Type of singer, vocalizer, vocalist, vocaliser
Type Words
Type of monilia disease, moniliasis, candidiasis
Type Words
Type of oscine, oscine bird
Has types hermit thrush, hylocichla fuscescens, hylocichla guttata, hylocichla mustelina, luscinia luscinia, luscinia megarhynchos, mavis, merl, merle, missel thrush, mistle thrush, mistletoe thrush, nightingale, old world chat, old world robin, ousel, ouzel, redbreast, redstart, redtail, redwing, ring blackbird, ring ouzel, ring thrush, robin, robin redbreast, snowbird, solitaire, song thrush, throstle, thrush nightingale, turdus greyi, turdus iliacus, turdus merula, turdus migratorius, turdus philomelos, turdus pilaris, turdus torquatus, turdus viscivorus, veery, wood thrush, blackbird, bluebird, bluethroat, chat, clay-colored robin, erithacus rubecola, erithacus svecicus, european blackbird, fieldfare, wilson's thrush, american robin, wheatear