Spanish language

How to pronounce sweet in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms fresh
Type Words
Synonyms henry sweet
Type Words
Synonyms sweetly

Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly.
how sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank.
talking sweet to each other.
Type Words
Synonyms gratifying
Derivation sweetness

sweet revenge.
Type Words
Synonyms sugared, sweet-flavored, sweetened
Derivation sweetness
Type Words
Synonyms confection
Type of dainty, delicacy, kickshaw, goody, treat
Has types maraschino, candied apple, candy, candy apple, caramel apple, center, centre, chewing gum, comfit, confect, confectionery, confiture, gum, hardbake, maraschino cherry, nonpareil, sweetmeat, taffy apple, toffee apple
Type Words
Synonyms dulcet, honeyed, mellifluous, mellisonant
Derivation sweetness
Type Words
Synonyms odoriferous, odorous, perfumed, scented, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling
Derivation sweetness
Type Words
Synonyms sweetness
Type of taste property
Has types sugariness, saccharinity
Type Words
Synonyms sugariness, sweetness
Type of gustatory perception, taste sensation, taste perception, taste, gustatory sensation
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Synonyms angelic, angelical, cherubic, seraphic
Derivation sweetness

a sweet disposition.
Type Words
Synonyms fresh, unfermented

sweet milk.
Type Words
Synonyms afters, dessert
Type of course
Has types ambrosia, charlotte, mold, mould, mousse, baked alaska, pavlova, peach melba, tiramisu, syllabub, sillabub, pud, pudding, sabayon, zabaglione, junket, frozen dessert, fruit compote, blancmange, whip, compote, dumpling, flan
Type Words
Derivation sweetness
Type Words
Derivation sweetness

the sweet song of the lark.
the sweet face of a child.
Type Words
Derivation sweetness

sweet dessert wines.