Spanish language

How to pronounce stratum in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms class, social class, socio-economic class
Type of people
Has types yeomanry, agriculture, booboisie, bourgeoisie, brotherhood, caste, center, commonality, commonalty, commons, craft, demimonde, domain, estate, estate of the realm, fair sex, firing line, fraternity, immigrant class, labor, labour, lower class, market, middle class, ninja, old school, peasantry, proletariat, sodality, world, age class, the three estates, trade, underclass, underworld, upper class, upper crust, woman, womanhood, working class
Type Words
Synonyms layer, level
Type of place
Type Words
Type of subpopulation
Type Words
Type of layer
Has types malpighian layer, cambium, epidermis, bed, paries, corium, corneum, rete malpighii, seam, superstratum, stratum basale, stratum corneum, stratum germinativum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, horizon, cuticle, wall, derma, dermis, horny layer, substrate, substratum, superstrate
Derivation stratify