Viggo Christian Frederik Vilhelm Pedersen (1854–1926) - Kvæg i et landskab / Cattle in a landscape (1919)
Amaldus Nielsen (1838–1932) - Morning at a country road, Mandel
Viggo Christian Frederik Vilhelm Pedersen (1854–1926) - Parti fra Dyrehaven med kronvildt ved et stort træ / View from Dyrehaven with stag and deer at a big tree
Anna Klein († 1941) - Bäuerin mit Gänsen (Farmer's wife with geese)
William Louis Sonntag (1822-1900) - Autumn Morning on the Potomac
Karl Adam Heinisch (1847–1923) - Partie bei Garmisch
Ferdinand von Wright (1822–1906) - Black Grouses, 1872
Carl Jutz (1838–1916) - Buntes Federvieh (Colorful poultry)(1882)
Carl Jutz (1838–1916)- Enten am Teich / Ducks by the pond (1899)
Carl Frederik Aagaard (1833–1895) - A day in June in the woods near Lellinge (1878)
Heinrich Deiters (1840–1916) - Der Sonntagsspaziergang (The Sunday walk)
Friedrich Heunert (1806-1876) - Mayschoss an der Ahr (1834)
George Bellows (1882–1925) - A Day in June (1913)
Guido Hampe (1839-1902) - Mühle am Bergsee (Mill on the mountain lake)
Hans Dahl (1849–1937) - Fjord with sailing boat
Heinrich Böhmer (1852–1930) - Waldlichtung mit Wildbach (Forest clearing with torrent)
Hugo Mühlig (1854–1929) - Mittagsrast (Lunch break)
Karl Kaltenmoser (1853-1923) - Landschaft
Albert Lindfors (1860–1922) - Forssan vanha pankkikiinteistö (Old bank property in Forssa) (1915)
Vilhelm Kyhn (1819–1903) - Summer Meadow (1880)
Victor Westerholm (1860–1919) - Fruit-Trees in Bloom, Suresnes (1890)
Carl Seibels (1844–1877) - Rheinische Dorfansicht im Sommer (Rhenish village view in summer)
Evening Colors on the Lake - Arvid Mauritz Lindström (1849–1923)
Roman Scene - Karl Heilmayer (1829–1908)
Sommarlandskap med vallmo (Summer landscape with poppies) - Waldemar Nyström (1864-1924)
Bergsee mit steiler Felswand (Mountain lake with a steep rock face) - Heinrich Heinlein (1803–1885)
Red Deer by the Stream - Julius Lange (1817–1878)
Fjord Landscape - Elisabeth Grüttefien-Kiekebusch (1871-?)
Spring. A young couple in a rowing boat on Odense Å - H. A. Brendekilde (1857–1942)
Suomalainen saaristomaisema (Finnish archipelago landscape) - Johan Knutson (1816–1899)
By the Water's Edge - Hans Dahl (1849–1937)
Tanzendes Paar an malerischer Küste (Dancing couple on picturesque coast) - Anonymous (late 19th century (in the style of the 18th century)
Hofball in Wien - Wilhelm Gause (1853–1916)
Der Schöne an der Soirée (The beauty in the evening) - Eduardo León Garrido (1856–1949)
Le bal ou une soirée élégante (The ball or an elegant evening) - Victor Gilbert (1847–1933)
El recital (The Recital) - Francisco Miralles Galup (1848–1901)
At the ball - Frederick Vezin (1859-1933)
Boating on the Seine - Ferdinand Heilbuth (1826–1889)
Kapprodd (Boat race) - Anders Zorn (1860–1920)
Le Pont d'Argenteuil (The Argenteuil Bridge) - Claude Monet (1840–1926)
Vier Enten im Teich (Four ducks in the pond) - Alexander Koester (1864–1932)
Motif From Jutholmen - Eric Abrahamson (1871-1907)
Sogn fjord - Adelsteen Normann (1848–1918)
Wild ducks (1887) - Bruno Liljefors (1860–1939)
Motiv aus Venedig mit Blick auf Santa Maria della Salute (Motif from Venice with a view of Santa Maria della Salute) - August von Siegen (1850–)
Summer in Fjord - Adelsteen Normann (1848–1918)
Bailing his Rowboat - John Joseph Enneking (1841–1916)
View of the Seine at Herblay - Paul Signac (1863–1935)
Bonnland - Ludwig von Gleichen-Rußwurm (1836–1901)
Kaien på Feste i nær Moss (The jetty at Feste near Moss) - Hans Gude (1825–1903)
Basque Celebration (dance at El Antiguo, San Sebastián) - Darío de Regoyos (1857–1913)
Bal du moulin de la Galette (Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, Montmartre) - Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919)
Julius LeBlanc Stewart (1855-1919) - The Ball
Flusslandschaft auf Sumatra (River landscape on Sumatra) - Hans von Hayek (1869-1940)
Hans Gude (1825-1903) - Ved bredden av Chiemsee (1871) (On the banks of the Chiemsee)
Olof Hermelin (1827-1913) - Skördetid (1904)
Karl Heilmayer (1829–1908) - Gathering Mussels in the Venetian Lagoon
From the Archipelago - Johan Knutson (1816-1899)
Farandola del ballet de la ópera de Marsella - Eduardo Leon Garrido (1856-1906)
The end of the ball - Rogelio de Egusquiza (1845-1915)
Boating on the Thames - John Lavery (1856–1941)
Pescando (1907)(Fishing) - Manuel García y Rodríguez (1863–1925)
View from the shore - Eugen Taube (1869–1913)
Utsikt over Lærdalsøren, i Sognefjorden, olje på lerret 1901 (View of Lærdalsøren, in the Sognefjord, oil on canvas 1901) - Karl Paul Themistokles von Eckenbrecher (1842–1921)
Rowing to Picnic Rock - Abbott Fuller Graves (1859–1936)
Nainen veneessä (Woman in a boat) - Albert Edelfelt (1854–1905)
Parklandschaft mit jungem Paar (Park landscape with a young couple) - Albert F. Laurens (1864–1934)
Viehtransport auf dem Lauerzersee mit Blick auf die Rigi (Cattle transport on the Lauerzersee with a view of the Rigi) - August von Bonstetten (1796–1879)
a painting by Carl Abraham Rothstén (1826 - 1877)
Küstenlandschaft (Coastal landscape) - Georg Anton Rasmussen (1842-1914)
Ferdinand Hodler (1853–1918) - Landschaft bei Genf / Landscape near Geneva - 1890
Karl Josef Müller (1865–1942) - Am Alsterlauf / At the Alster
Adolph Friedrich Vollmer (1806–1875) - Bei der Aumühle (circa 1830)
Friedrich Voltz (1817–1886) - Weidende Kühe am Fluss mit Hirten / Cows grazing by the river with shepherds (1874)
Albert Dressler (1822–1897) - Seenlandschaft 1868
Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Richter (1847-1915) - Fischerpaar in einem Boot in einer weiten Küstenlandschaft / Couple of fishermen in a boat in a wide coastal landscape
Frithjof Smith-Hald (1846–1903) - Solnedgang på havna / Sunset at the harbor
Johann Jungblut (1860–1912) - Küstenlandschaft im Mondschein / Coastal landscape in the moonlight
Charles-Louis Guigon (1807-1882) - Géronde lake in Vallis (circa 1860)
Louis Douzette (1834–1924) - Coastal landscape in the moonlight
Louis Douzette (1834–1924) - Das Feuer / Mondnacht mit Dorfbrand (The fire / moonlit night with village fire) 1901
Hans am Ende (1864–1918) - Torfsegler auf der Hamme / Peat gliders on the Hamme
Oscar Eschke (1851-1892) - Romantische Seelandschaft
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902) - Northwest Coast (c.1889)
August Fink (1846-1916) - Enten am zugeforenen Fluss / Ducks on the frozen river
Jakub Schikaneder (1855–1924) - Západ slunce na Vltavě / Sunset on the Vltava
John Joseph Enneking (1841–1916) - Tranquility at Sunset 1879
Claude Monet (1840–1926) - Marine View with a Sunset 1875
Louis Douzette (1834–1924) - Märkische Winterlandschaft bei Sonnenuntergang / Wintry Evening 1874
George Inness (1825–1894) - Pines and Olives at Albano 1873
Adolf Stademann (1824–1895) - Die Heimkehr / The homecoming 1875
Ludvig Munthe (1841–1896) - Vinterlandskap med solnedgang / Winter landscape with sunset
Jakub Schikaneder (1855–1924) - By the bed
Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) - Küste bei Mondschein / Sea Shore in Moonlight
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902) - Evening on the Prairie (1870)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Isaac Levitan (1860–1900) - Берёзовая роща / Birch grove
Nikolay Kasatkin (1859–1930) - Соперницы / Rival Ladies 1890
Arkhip Kuindzhi (1841–1910) - Der Dnjepr am Morgen / The Dnieper in the morning 1881
Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860–1900) - Золотая Осень / Golden Autumn 1895
Alexei Harlamov (1840–1925) - The Flower Girls
Arkhip Kuindzhi (1841–1910) - Березовая роща / The Birch Grove (1879)
Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin (1861–1904) - Воскресный день / Sunday afternoon 1889
Ivan Ayvazovsky (1817–1900) - View of Constantinople and the Bosphorus 1856
Mikhail Nesterov (1862–1942) - Taking the Veil
Fyodor Alekseyev (–1824) - Красная площадь в Москве / Red Square in Moscow 1801
Fyodor Alekseyev (–1824) - Cathedral Square during the coronation of Alexander I (1802)
Konstantin Alexeyevich Korovin (1861–1939) - Moonlit Night. Winter 1913
Ivan Kramskoi (1837–1887) - Portrait of an Unknown Woman 1883
Arkhip Kuindzhi (1841–1910) - Moon spots in the forest, winter
Arkhip Kuindzhi (1841–1910) - Der Elbrus, Mondnacht / Mount Elbrus, moonlit night
Arkhip Kuindzhi (1841–1910) - Лунная ночь на Днепре / Moonlit night on the Dnieper 1880
Alexandre Benois (1870–1960) - Peter the Great Meditating the Idea of Building St Petersburg at the Shore of the Baltic Sea. 1916
Arkhip Kuindzhi (1841–1910) -Waldsee, Wolke
Nicholas Roerich (1874–1947) - Заморские гости / Overseas Guests 1901
Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin (1861–1904) - Стрелецкий дозор у Ильинских ворот в старой Москве / Streltsy patrol at the Ilyinsky gates in old Moscow 1897
Leonid Pasternak (1862–1945) - Leo Tolstoy
Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin (1861–1904) - Merchant Family in the XVII century. 1896
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Масленица / Shrovetide 1916
Mikhail Nesterov (1862–1942) - За Волгой / Beyond the Volga. 1905
Fyodor Alekseyev (–1824) - Вид Владимирских (Никольских) ворот Китай-города / View of Vladimirskiye (Nikolskiye) Gate of Kitai-gorod 1800s
Ivan Bilibin (1876–1942) - Суд во времена Русской Правды / Judgment in the time of Russian Truth. 1909
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Автопортрет / Self-portrait 1905
Osip Braz (1873–1936) - Leningrad (circa 1915)
Konstantin Alexeyevich Korovin (1861–1939) - Portrait of Chaliapin, 1911
Ilya Repin (1844–1930) - What freedom! 1903
Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860–1900) - March 1895
Konstantin Makovsky (1839–1915) - Святочные гадания / Christmas divination 1905
Konstantin Alexeyevich Korovin (1861–1939) - Café de la Paix 1906
Ivan Kramskoi (1837–1887) - Portrait of an Unknown Woman 1883
Sergey Ivanov (1864–1910) - На сторожевой границе Московского государства / At the guarding border of the Moscow state 1907
Sergey Ivanov (1864–1910) - Стрельцы / Streltsi
Mikhail Nesterov (1862–1942) - На Руси. Душа народа / In Russia. Soul of the people 1914
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Stepan Razin. 1918
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - The Bolshevik 1920
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Maslenitsa 1916
Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860–1900) - Spring in Italy
Ivan Ayvazovsky (1817–1900) - Moscow in Winter from the Sparrow Hills 1872
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - At Volga 1922
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Гулянье на Волге / Promenade Along the Volga 1909
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Троицын день / Trinity Day 1920
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Гулянье на Волге / Walking on the Volga 1909
Konstantin Makovsky (1839–1915) - Русская красавица (Девушка в венке) / Russian beauty in summer garland
Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin (1861–1904) - Втёрся парень в хоровод, ну, старуха охать.../ A Young Man Breaking into the Girls' Dance, and the Old Women are in Panic 1902
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Show booths
Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) - Весна / Spring
Aristarkh Lentulov (1882-1943) - St. Basil's Cathedral, 1913
Ilya Repin (1844–1930) - Манифестация 17 октября 1905 года / Demonstration on October 17, 1905
Isaac Levitan (1860–1900) - Savvinskaya settlement near Zvenigorod 1884
Ivan Khrutsky (1810–1885) - Vilnius Calvary
Vasily Polenov (1844–1927) - Бабушкин сад / Grandmother's Garden 1878
Vasily Polenov (1844–1927) - Московский дворик / Moscow patio 1878
Thomas Cole (1801–1848) - Dream of Arcadia (circa 1838)
Thomas Cole (1801–1848) - View on the Catskill - Early Autumn
Thomas Cole (1801–1848) - View near the Village of Catskill 1827
Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900) - Wyoming Valley
Frederic Edwin Church (1826–1900) - Cotopaxi 1855
George Inness (1825–1894) - A Bit of the Roman Aqueduct 1852
Worthington Whittredge (1820–1910) - Encampment along the Platte
Thomas Doughty (1793–1856) - Girls Crossing the Brook 1829
Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900) - Luccombe Chine, Isle of Wight 1861
Thomas Doughty (1793–1856) - White Mountains, New Hampshire 1836
Alvan Fisher (1792–1863) - Figures by the Lake
Otto Bache (1839–1927) - De sammensvorne rider fra Finderup efter mordet på Erik Klipping Skt. Cæcilienat 1286 / The conspirators ride from Finderup after the murder of Erik Klipping Skt. Cæcilienat 1286 (1882)
Juliusz Kossak (1824–1899) - General Jan Skrzynecki and his staff review the Polish Army in 1831
Edouard Detaille (1848-1912) - French Hussar
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - Indian Girls: Racing
Aleksandrs Apsītis (1880–1944) - Атака кирасир / Cuirassiers Attack
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - Pawnee Running Buffalo
Eugène Burnand (1850–1921) - La Fuite de Charles le Téméraire, The Flight of Charles the Bold
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - War Path
Rembrandt (1606–1669) - The Polish Rider (circa 1655)
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - Snake Indians: Fording a River
Antony Serres (1828–1898) - Die Entführung / The abduction
Н. С. Самокиш (1860—1944) - Тройка / Three
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - Hunting Elk
Charles Marion Russell (1864–1926) - Büffeljagd Ausschnitt / Buffalo Hunt Detail 1919
N. C. Wyeth (1882–1945) - The Boy's King Arthur 1922
Winslow Homer (1836–1910) - The Bridle Path, White Mountains 1868
Thomas Gooch (1750 - 1802) – Marcia Pitt and Her Brother George Pitt, Later 2nd Baron Rivers, Riding in the Park at Stratfield Saye House, Hampshire 1782
John Everett Millais (1829–1896) - A Dream of the Past: Sir Isumbras at the Ford 1857
Paul-Emile Léon PERBOYRE (1826-1914) - The troops review before the battle
January Suchodolski (1797–1875) - Wesele
Édouard Detaille (1848–1912) - La Charge 1901
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - Dodging an Arrow (Crow)
Juliusz Kossak (1824–1899) - Kmicic and Oleńka going for a sleigh ride 1885
Karl Bodmer (1809–1893) - Blackfoot Indian
Titian (1490–1576) - Equestrian Portrait of Charles V 1548
Charles Marion Russell (1864–1926) - Buccaroos (1902)
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - Snake Indian Pursuing "Crow" Horse Thief
John Quidor (1801–1881) - The Headless Horseman Pursuing Ichabod Crane 1858
Elizabeth Thompson (1846–1933) - Scotland Forever! 1881
Charles Marion Russell (1864–1926) - A bad hoss (1904)
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810–1874) - The Grizzly Bear
Charles Marion Russell (1864–1926) - The Herd Quitter 1897
Mitrofan Grekov (1882–1934) - Атака лейб-гвардии / Attack of the Life Guards 1911
Mykola Samokysh (1860–1944) - Погоня / Pursuit
Édouard Detaille (1848–1912) - Portrait du général Espagne à la bataille d'Heilsberg en 1807 / Portrait of General Spain at the Battle of Heilsberg in 1807
January Suchodolski (1797–1875) - Krakus 1895
Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau (1964–) - Tiradores de la guardia real, España 1834
John Trumbull (1756–1843) - Surrender of Lord Cornwallis
Louis Auguste Loustaunau (1846-1898) - Colonel de la Rochethulon presenting to the recruits the flag of the 6th regiment of cuirassiers. January 1887