Spanish language

How to pronounce steady in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms firm, unfluctuating
Type Words
Synonyms regular

a steady drinker.
Type Words
Synonyms sweetheart, sweetie, truelove
Type of lover
Has types dulcinea, sugar daddy, valentine, ladylove
Type Words
Synonyms firm, steadfast, stiff, unbendable, unfaltering, unshakable, unwavering
Derivation steadiness
Type Words
Synonyms brace, stabilise, stabilize
Type of fortify, strengthen, beef up
Has types ballast, guy
Type Words
Synonyms steadily
Type Words
Synonyms becalm, calm
Type of stabilise, stabilize

steady yourself.
Type Words

steady nerves.
Type Words
Derivation steadiness

a steady beat.
a steady job.
a steady breeze.
a steady increase.
a good steady ballplayer.
Type Words
Derivation steadiness

held the ladder steady.