Spanish language

How to pronounce sprinkle in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms scattering, sprinkling
Type of shower, rain shower
Type Words
Synonyms patter, pitter-patter, spatter, spit
Type of rain down, rain
Derivation sprinkling

It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick.
Type Words
Synonyms splash, splosh
Type of disperse, dot, dust, scatter
Has types moisten, drizzle, salt
Derivation sprinkler
Type Words
Synonyms sparge, sprinkling
Type of watering
Type Words
Synonyms besprinkle, sparge
Type of wet
Derivation sprinkler, sprinkling
Type Words
Synonyms disperse, dot, dust, scatter
Type of discharge
Has types splosh, spray, swash, aerosolise, aerosolize, bespangle, plash, spatter, splash, splatter
Derivation sprinkling