Spanish language

How to pronounce softness in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms blurriness, fogginess, fuzziness, indistinctness
Type of opaqueness, opacity
Has types dimness, faintness, vagueness
Type Words
Synonyms balminess
Type of mildness, clemency
Derivation soft

the climate had the softness of the south of France.
Type Words
Synonyms gentleness, mildness
Type of manner, personal manner
Derivation soft

suddenly her gigantic power melted into softness for the baby.
Type Words
Synonyms effeminacy, effeminateness, sissiness, unmanliness, womanishness
Type of muliebrity, femininity
Has types emasculation

he was shocked by the softness of the atmosphere surrounding the young prince, arising from the superfluity of the femininity that guided him.
Type Words
Synonyms unfitness
Type of unhealthiness, health problem, ill health
Has types disablement, debility, disability, feebleness, frailness, frailty, handicap, impairment, infirmity, valetudinarianism
Derivation soft
Type Words
Type of lenience, indulgence, leniency
Derivation soft

softness is not something permitted of good leaders.
Type Words
Type of sound property
Has types faintness, decrescendo, pianissimo, diminuendo, piano
Derivation soft

and in softness almost beyond hearing.
Type Words
Type of economic condition
Derivation soft

orders have recently picked up after a period of extreme softness.
he attributes the disappointing results to softness in the economy.
Type Words
Type of visual property
Derivation soft

the softness of the morning sky.
Type Words
Type of consistency, substance, body, consistence
Has types squeezability, compressibility, downiness, limpness, mushiness, pulpiness, featheriness, sponginess, flabbiness, flaccidity, fluffiness
Derivation soft