Spanish language

How to pronounce slow in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms slow down, slow up
Type of slow down, retard, decelerate, slow up
Has types bog, clog, constipate, bog down

The illness slowed him down.
Type Words
Synonyms behind

the clock is almost an hour slow.
Type Words
Synonyms easy, slowly, tardily

he spoke slowly.
please go slow so I can see the sights.
Type Words
Synonyms boring, deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, tedious, tiresome, wearisome
Type Words
Synonyms dense, dim, dull, dumb, obtuse
Derivation slowness

worked with the slow students.
Type Words
Synonyms slack, slacken, slow down, slow up
Type of weaken
Derivation slowing

Production slowed.
Type Words
Synonyms decelerate, retard, slow down, slow up
Type of diminish, lessen, decrease, fall
Has types slow up, delay, hold up, detain, slow down
Derivation slowing
Type Words
Synonyms dull, sluggish

business is dull (or slow).
Type Words
Derivation slowness

the band played a slow waltz.
Type Words
Derivation slowness

a slow walker.
the slow lane of traffic.
her steps were slow.
he was slow in reacting to the news.
slow but steady growth.
Type Words

the clock is slow.