Spanish language

How to pronounce sick person in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms diseased person, sufferer
Type of unfortunate, unfortunate person
Has types bleeder, bulimic, consumptive, convalescent, depressive, diabetic, dyspeptic, epileptic, haemophile, haemophiliac, hemophile, hemophiliac, incurable, insomniac, invalid, lazar, leper, lunatic, lunger, madman, maniac, manic-depressive, mental case, monomaniac, narcoleptic, neurasthenic, neurotic, patient, psycho, psychoneurotic, psychotic, psychotic person, rheumatic, shut-in, sleepless person, spewer, syphilitic, tubercular, valetudinarian, anorectic, vomiter, anorexic