Spanish language

How to pronounce sandpiper in Spanish?

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Type Words
Type of shorebird, limicoline bird, shore bird
Has types bartramian sandpiper, calidris canutus, calidris ferruginea, calidris melanotos, crocethia alba, curlew sandpiper, dunlin, erolia alpina, erolia minutilla, european sandpiper, grayback, greenshank, greyback, jacksnipe, knot, least sandpiper, pectoral sandpiper, philomachus pugnax, red-backed sandpiper, redshank, ruff, sanderling, yellowlegs, actitis macularia, bartramia longicauda, upland sandpiper, actitis hypoleucos, spotted sandpiper, stint, tattler, tringa nebularia, tringa totanus, upland plover