Spanish language

How to pronounce repel in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms drive back, fight off, rebuff, repulse
Type of fight back, fight, defend, fight down, oppose
Derivation repulsive

repel the attacker.
Type Words
Synonyms disgust, gross out, revolt
Type of stimulate, excite, stir
Has types turn one's stomach, nauseate, sicken
Derivation repellant, repellent, repulsive
Type Words
Synonyms repulse
Type of displease
Has types turn off, disgust, put off, sicken, revolt, churn up, nauseate
Derivation repellant, repellent, repulsive
Type Words
Synonyms rebuff, snub
Type of turn down, disdain, pooh-pooh, reject, freeze off, scorn, spurn
Type Words
Synonyms beat back, drive, force back, push back, repulse
Type of force, push
Verb group drive
Derivation repulsive

repel the enemy.