Spanish language

How to pronounce relate in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms associate, colligate, connect, link, link up, tie in
Type of cerebrate, cogitate, think
Has types interrelate, have in mind, think of, identify, correlate, free-associate, remember, mean
Derivation relation

I cannot relate these events at all.
Type Words
Synonyms bear on, come to, concern, have to do with, pertain, refer, touch, touch on
Has types matter to, affect, apply, center, center on, concentrate on, focus on, go for, hold, interest, involve, regard, revolve about, revolve around
Verb group advert, allude, touch
Type Words
Synonyms interrelate
Type of be
Has types predicate, tutor, tie in
Verb group interrelate
Derivation relation

How are these two observations related?.
Type Words
Type of recite, tell, narrate, recount
Derivation relation

The witness related the events.
Type Words
Type of interact
Has types tie, get along, get along with, get on, get on with, harmonise, harmonize, hold, bind, mesh, obligate, oblige, attach, bond, connect, disrespect, take back
Derivation relation

She relates well to her peers.