Spanish language

How to pronounce plaything in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms toy
Type of artefact, artifact
Has types ball, balloon, catapult, cockhorse, dandle board, doll, doll's house, dollhouse, dolly, frisbee, hobby, hobbyhorse, hula-hoop, jack-in-the-box, jumping jack, jungle gym, kaleidoscope, kite, lego, lego set, meccano, meccano set, pea shooter, pinata, pinwheel, pinwheel wind collector, playground slide, playhouse, pogo stick, popgun, rattle, rocking horse, sandbox, sandpile, sandpit, seesaw, slide, sliding board, sling, slingshot, spinning top, squirt gun, squirter, stick horse, swing, teddy, teddy bear, teeter, teeter-totter, teeterboard, teetertotter, teetotum, tilting board, top, train set, water gun, water pistol, wendy house, whirligig, yo-yo