Spanish language

How to pronounce pine in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms ache, languish, yearn, yen
Type of yearn, long, hanker
Has types die
Derivation pining
Type Words
Synonyms pine tree, true pine
Type of coniferous tree, conifer
Has types black pine, bristlecone pine, canadian red pine, cembra nut tree, dwarf mountain pine, european nut pine, frankincense pine, shore pine, arolla pine, soledad pine, spruce pine, stone pine, swamp pine, swiss mountain pine, swiss pine, swiss stone pine, table-mountain pine, torrey's pine, torrey pine, umbrella pine, virginia pine, white pine, yellow pine, grey-leaf pine, hickory pine, jack pine, japanese black pine, japanese red pine, japanese table pine, jeffrey's pine, jeffrey pine, jersey pine, knobcone pine, loblolly pine, lodgepole, lodgepole pine, monterey pine, mountain pine, mugho pine, mugo pine, northern pitch pine, pinon, pinus aristata, pinus attenuata, pinus banksiana, pinus cembra, pinus contorta, pinus contorta murrayana, pinus densiflora, pinus glabra, pinus jeffreyi, pinus longaeva, pinus mugo, pinus nigra, pinus pinea, pinus pungens, pinus radiata, pinus resinosa, pinus rigida, pinus serotina, pinus sylvestris, pinus taeda, pinus thunbergii, pinus torreyana, pinus virginiana, pinyon, pitch pine, pond pine, prickly pine, red pine, rocky mountain bristlecone pine, sabine pine, scotch fir, scotch pine, scots pine, scrub pine, ancient pine, sierra lodgepole pine
Type Words
Type of wood
Has types knotty pine, white pine, yellow pine