Spanish language

How to pronounce phrase in Spanish?

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Type Words
Synonyms idiom, idiomatic expression, phrasal idiom, set phrase
Type of locution, expression, saying
Has types rusticism, ruralism
Derivation phrasal
Type Words
Synonyms musical phrase
Type of passage, musical passage
Has types ligature, ostinato
Derivation phrasal
Type Words
Synonyms articulate, formulate, give voice, word
Type of show, evince, express
Has types lexicalize, put, redact, ask, couch, cast, dogmatise, dogmatize, formularise, formularize, frame, lexicalise
Derivation phrasing
Type Words
Type of expression, construction, grammatical construction
Has types response, verb phrase, catch phrase, catchphrase, nominal, nominal phrase, noun phrase, predicate, prepositional phrase, pronominal, pronominal phrase
Derivation phrasal
Type Words
Type of terpsichore, saltation, dancing, dance
Derivation phrasal
Type Words
Type of arrange, order, set up, put

phrase a musical passage.